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summary data about all packages in the repository

Does anybody know a program/way to obtain a summary information
about ALL packages in pkgsrc/ repository?

Something like 'make print-summary-data' or any other textual format
(foprmat of INDEX file is also good)

  example (make print-summary-data):

    depends archivers/gzip
    build_depends archivers/gzip
    conflicts archivers/gzip gzip-base-[0-9]* gzip-info-[0-9]*
    index archivers/gzip gzip-1.3.12nb1
    htmlname archivers/gzip <a 
    homepage archivers/gzip
    wildcard archivers/gzip gzip-[0-9]*
    comment archivers/gzip Compress or expand files
    license archivers/gzip
    onlyfor archivers/gzip any
    notfor archivers/gzip any
    maintainer archivers/gzip
    categories archivers/gzip archivers
    descr archivers/gzip archivers/gzip/DESCR
    prefix archivers/gzip /usr/pkg

but for ALL packages.

It's easy to scan all packages and run 'make print-summary-data'
for each package but this takes looooooong time.
I need a fast (more or less) solution. Incremental approach is good.
I hope somebody already did this task.

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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