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Re: Opera broken on NetBSD4/i386?

On Fri, 25 May 2007 01:45:10 +0200, Chavdar Ivanov <> wrote:

  [problems with opera loading pages]

If I try with an hostname from a DNS server it doesn't work.

Any chance you have got some rogue /usr/pkg/emul/linux/etc/resolv.conf file?


But your question pointed me to the /etc/resolv.conf file which was
created by the sysinst installer. It contained three lines:

search domain
nameserver ipv4-address
nameserver ipv6-address

It seems that Opera only tried using the ipv6 IP and didn't fall back
to the ipv4 one. Since I didn't do the ipv6 configuration yet this
explains why this address couldn't work.

I then removed this entry from the file and I now have a working opera.

BTW I just hacked the local package to get version 9.21, which works

Could you send-pr the diff so that it is comitted?

fine. Also if you have   Sun jre installed, you can modify
/usr/pkg/emul/linux/usr/bin/opera to search for the Java environment
there (obviously the original script from Opera does not check for
/usr/pkg/java/sun-1.5) and Java works just fine with it.

This could be added in a patch too, maybe?

Thanks for your help. :)

Loïc Hoguin

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