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Re: modular-xorg installation fails on Dragonfly 1.8.1-RELEASE with pkgsrc-2007Q1

On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 12:26:50AM -0400, Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
> So either DragonFly users have to never build the bootstrap kit, or all
> mentions of mk.conf should specify /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf.  Neither
> selection is optimal.

Always use mk.conf in PREFIX/etc if it exists. If you don't have one,
just move it from /etc/mk.conf to PREFIX/etc.

> Would it be better if a DragonFly system started out with a
> /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf and not the overrideable /etc/mk.conf?

I would prefer that, but I stopped providing bootstrap kits a while


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