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Re: Getting pkg_chk to show what it would do?

On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 02:41:13PM +0100, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
>I'm trying pkg_chk the first time, and before nuking my system I'd like to 
>see what it does. Unfortunately "pkg_chk -nauv" always aborts:
>       ...
>       13:36 /usr/bin/env /usr/sbin/pkg_delete -K /var/db/pkg -r 
>       figlet-2.2.1
>       [ Rechecking packages after deletions  ]
>       *** Unable to read PKGCHK_CONF '/usr/pkgsrc/pkgchk_update-miyu.conf'
>       #
>Is there any other way to not nuke all my pkgs and still seeing what it 
>would do after that?

I'm pretty sure that "warning" doesn't otherwise change output.

It's a cool program but the requirements are thick and the script
is deep (I looked a few times but a good patch won't be easy).

That said "pkg_chk -u" has never failed me, though sometimes I had
to run it a few times to finish the job.

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE><

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