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Re: GNOME port questions (screensaver, keyring-daemon)

On 4/30/06, Blair Sadewitz <> wrote:

Perhaps someone who's familiar with GNOME could help me on this.

--I'm wondering how I might instruct the GNOME screensaver application
to check my password properly; GDM has no problem with this but if I
try to lock the screen it doesn't want to let me back in!

The gnome-screensaver daemon needs to be setuid.  I have to fix the
package to do this, possibly today or tomorrow.

--When I try to load "network servers", nautilus dies.  How can I remedy this?

There is a PR for this issue.  See:

I shall try the patch in there.  Haven't noticed it...

--The keyring manager complains it can't communicate with the
daemon--which seems to be running.

Yeah... the gnome-keyring is broken in NetBSD.  It requires "socket
credentials" which do not seem to be supported (or at least not in the
way the keyring code uses them).  It has to be fixed, although it
seems non-trivial (at least for me, who doesn't know what these
"socket credentials" are).


Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
The Julipedia -

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