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Announcing GNOME 2.14.0

Dear pkgsrc users,

I am pleased to announce that GNOME 2.14.0 is now available in pkgsrc.

As happens with all other major GNOME releases, this one provides a set
of polishments, cleanups and several new features over the 2.12 series.
You can find more information in the official release page:

I am happy to say that this release works fairly well under NetBSD.
There are still some rough edges (that is, programs that crash on startup
or do not work as expected) but there shouldn't be much regressions from
the previous version.  I think I will prepare a list of known broken stuff
in case people wants to help because fixing everything requires a lot of

To give you some approximate numbers, the process consisted of 80 package
updates, 8 new packages and 16 revisions of the new and updated packages.
Some more may come in the following days.

As usual, updating from older versions is not exactly easy using pkgsrc.
I suggest you to either build the whole new release in a sandbox using
pkg_comp or zap all your installed packages to reinstall from scratch.

How to install it?  Just use the meta-pkgs/gnome package to install
everything that is part of the official GNOME distribution or choose
meta-pkgs/gnome-base if all you want is a minimal desktop.

Please report any problems you find using send-pr.

Have fun!

Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
The NetBSD Project -

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