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Bluetooth wheel mouse and X11

Hello -- I successfully connected a BT mouse to NetBSD 10 (/dev/wsmouse2).

When I launch X11, the BT mouse seems to work by simply moving the cursor
around. But once the cursor is over a window, I noticed that the X,Y
motion is also triggering scrolling. It's as if the mouse motion is
generating scroll wheel events.

My USB mouse works perfectly under X (/dev/wsmouse) and the wheel
scrolling works as expected.

I tried various /etc/X11/xorg.conf mouse settings (including ZAxisMapping)
but nothing prevents the weird scrolling.

Apologies if this is more an Xorg question. My X11 skills are rusty -- I
only recently started using X11 frequently again when I got a Mac Mini G4
working (maccppc). For all of my other NetBSD devices, I just use the

Thanks - Joel

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