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Re: Please forgive a blatant plug: I reviewed v10 for the Reg

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024, Liam Proven wrote:

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 12:00:32 +0100
From: Liam Proven <>
To: Netbsd-Users-List <>
Subject: Please forgive a blatant plug: I reviewed v10 for the Reg

I thought this might interest folks here...

NetBSD 10 proves old tech can still kick apps and take names three decades later

Proper old-school Unix, not like those lazy, decadent Linux types

Comments and feedback welcomed!

[...]The last time we looked at NetBSD, we checked out version 9.3[...]

I remember reading that and not understanding how the person who
wrote that encouraged him|her self to review the os.

* Not reading the official documentation, pointing to tutorials
like in the linux world.

* Ignorance about the edit mode of the shells, and instead of
talking about the usefulness of having one of them (vi, emacs)
activated by default, blaiming that it was a lack of support of
curor keys, and saying that linux is a modern operating system that
supports cursor keys. I couldn't stop a laugh. No idea what shell
was the person using, no idea that there are several shells to choose
and more to install.

* Not finishing the installation as recommended in the guide, and then
saying that the netbsd installation is "a three-step process".

* Not reading the pkgsrc documentation, even the introduction, and
basically whinning because it wasn't apt. Again, pointing to
tutorials on how to install pkgin...

* Not idea what PATH is. cd to /usr/pkg/bin to execute pkgin????
How could this person had the balls to "review" and Operating System!!!!

* Not reading the netbsd guide about parttions, dislabel, wadges,
&c and saying that unlike netbsd, linux supports partitions that
other oses can open.

And lots, lots of crap. When I followed that link and see that it
was _you_, I stoped reading.

You can use C-n, C-p to move through the menus in sysinst if for
some reason your keyboard isn't fully supported. The letters and
numbers are for selecting quickly an entry. This is common in a
lot of curses application, again, basic stuff. You could ask all
this nonsense to the list, I'm sure people here including myself
would help you.

The problem is that you went with all this lack of basic unix
knowledge and made a "review" of netbsd, missleading people with
your ignorance, something incredibly common in the linux world.

So, no, I can't give you a feedback of your last "piece".

And if anyone reading this thinks that I'm an asshole, read the
points I made and follow that link. I've contained myself. Really.

Who edit theregister by the way?

So unprofessional.


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