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Re: Libreoffice: Error about /usr/lib/

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 09:06:34AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
Bruce Nagel <> writes:

NetBSD Bast 9.3 NetBSD 9.3 (GENERIC) #0: Thu Aug  4 15:30:37 UTC 2022 amd64

packages are coming from:

OK, not super surprising, but could have been all sorts of things

That is likely still packages from 2023Q1, but 2023Q2 packages are
mostly built, perhaps fully.  You may wish to use a URL with an explicit
quarter rather than relying on the symlink, e.g.

however, as always, you should make a backup before you start.

Using either my original pkgsrc url that e.g. url I get this error when trying
to do 'pkgin upgrade':

pkgin: empty local package list.

'pkgin list' gives the same: Requested list is empty.

'pkgin stats':

Local package database:
        Installed packages: 546
        Disk space occupied: 7566M

Remote package database(s):
        Number of repositories: 1
        Packages available: 24863
        Total size of packages: 38G
'pkg_admin check' gives a lot of errors to the effect of:

pkg_admin: libreoffice- File `/usr/pkg/libreoffice-
re/extensions/dict-is/license.txt' is in +CONTENTS but not on filesystem!

but mentions no other packages, just libreoffice.

'pkg_info -a' gives a long list of packages that looks like what I have

If I try to do: 'pkgin install libreoffice' it now offers to install it,
without the libsdtc++ error it was giving before, but due to the 'empty
package list' error I have not done that yet, figuring there's a bigger
issue to resolve.

So standard NetBSD/pkgsrc practice is to do a 'pkgin upgrade' rather than
upgrading individual packages using 'pkgin install <package>' as one might do
on e.g., a Linux system?

Well, in theory there are dependency rules and pkgin should not let you
violate them.   However often a new package will want a dependency which
is newer than one you have installed.   And then something else you have
installed will have had a dependency replaced out from under it, and
it's hard to say if it will be ok.

To get concrete

 progA 3 and libX 1 are installed from 2022Q4

time passes, wait until 2023Q2 is available.   Now, progA and libX both
have new versions in the repository, progA 4 and libX 2

pkgin install progB which is at version 5
  let's say progB also depends on libX 2
  so it upgrades libX to 2, and installs progB 5

but now, progA 2 is expecting libX 1 and doesn' have it

maybe, it's possible that pkgin recognizes this and rejects the
installation, or maybe it upgrades progA.  But knowing if a binary
package that is installed will be ok with a new dependency is basically

I view it as a clue that I don't understand what happens in these
partial upgrade scenarios.  I think it's just asking for trouble and I
don't do it.  That doesn't mean it can't, shouldn't or doesn't work.

I am unclear on what happens in say Debian (as this is about a package
manager not the kernel).   But the choices are basically:

 don't allow upgrading something if there is a depending package not
 being upgraded

 if a package is upgraded, refresh/upgrade everything that depends on

 somehow have data about what is an ABI break and what will work

 upgrade it anyway and break

I would expect Debian does one of the first two, but on the two Debian
systems I deal with, I just 'apt update' and 'apt upgrade' and have thus
never had a reason to figure it out.

Upgrading individual packages is apparently a bad habit from my days running
Debian.  My impression was that apt-get checked for those sorts of cross-package
library version issues and prompted you for decisions if there was a conflict.
I seem to recall more libraries were in separate packages of their own which
probably made that easier for it to do.

This is why I am recommending that for binary packages with pkgin, you
pick a consistent build and "pkgin upgrade" to it, so that all our
packages are from the same consistent build.

From here on out I'll just do pkgin upgrade, better safe than sorry.

I just need to resolve the 'empty package list' issue first.

Thank you,
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute
courage, that we move on to better things.
(Theodore Roosevelt)

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