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Re: Linux emulation: Compiling with binary distributed libraries

On Sat, Apr 01, 2023 at 11:28:39PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> Is it possible to use NetBSD's native compiler for this scenario (C
> sources and .so files that come with Vivado, meant for Linux)? (It doesn't
> work. I'll post errors if this is supposed to work.)

No (or at least it is probably the mostly complex possible solution).

> Alternatively, shall I be using even gcc's Linux version through Linux
> emulation? If yes, how?

Yes, and I'm not quite sure I understand the "how". It depends how you
run the Vivado stuff, one easy way would be to use a chroot to a
full Linux userland, and there it just would use the C compiler from that

The other option is to have enough libs installed in the emul dir and use
Vivado w/o chroot, then you could place the linux gcc wherever you like
and just point at it (via $PATH or whatever mechanisms Vivado offers
for configuration).


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