Subject: Re: Ogle on NetBSD 1.6.1
To: Joseph Dunn <>
From: Emre Yildirim <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/30/2003 14:12:07
Yes, I think ogle requires libdvdread and libdvdcss.  You might want to get the
version that is suggested on the ogle web site.  I remember having some problems
using newer versions of libdvdcss with ogle on Linux.

Take care

Once upon a time David Brownlee said:
> 	Have you installed misc/libdvdcss?
> On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Joseph Dunn wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Has anyone had any success getting graphics/ogle from pkgsrc to
>> work on NetBSD 1.6.1? I'm running it on a nearly stock installation,
>> the machine being a Toshiba 7020CT laptop with a DVD-ROM drive. I
>> can mount and explore CD's and DVD's without problems, but when I
>> attempt to view a DVD with Ogle I see messages similar to these:
>> libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
>> ERROR[ogle_nav]: faild to open/read the DVD
>> The drive does spin up when I run Ogle, so it seems to be working
>> halfway. After having a look at the FAQ on the Ogle homepage, I
>> temporarily enabled write permissions for all users on /dev/rcd0d
>> and ran ogle as a regular user, in order to enable encrypted DVD
>> support, but this didn't work either.
>> Any ideas?
>> Joseph Dunn
> --
> 		David/absolute          -- No hype required --