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Re: KDE application slowness (dbus related?)

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 01:05:30PM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Hi!
> When using KDE applications like digikam or amarok, they very often
> behave sluggishly (I only use single applications, not the whole KDE
> desktop).

it looks like one has to remove all the configuration from kde3
to get at least a somehow running system except that there is always
the following requester when you log in:

 Nepomuk Data Storage
 Nepomuk Semantic Desktop needs the Virtuso RDF server to store its data.
 Installing the Virtuoso Soprano plugin is mandatory for using Nepomuk.

I can not find any virtuoso package in pkgsrc, at least not in 2010Q3.

I'm not sure if this is related but when I try to switch to the German
language for the desktop this will not complete.
The "Updating system configuration" status window passed several times
the 100% mark and is still running.

The Akonadi console shows that the "Nepomuk Contact Feeder is not

Another issue is the greeter which I can not configure to show the
users in a list. I modified /usr/pkg/etc/kdm/kdmrc but that seems to have
no effect.

The following message is in the syslog:
 kdm_greet[2663]: Cannot read from core

And kdm.log has this, which may not be related to the message above:
 kdmgreet(1799) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, 
defaulting to ISO 8859-1.

Logging out leaves the following process running:
     632  0.0  1.0 113432 35100 ?      I     7:38PM 0:01.05 kdeinit4: kdeinit4: 
kdeinit4: kded4 
    1453  0.0  1.0 110092 33008 ?      I     7:45PM 0:00.72 kdeinit4: kdeinit4: 
kdeinit4: kded4 

Could it be that kdeinit4_shutdown is not working?

There is no error output in .xsession-errors during the shutdown
(I would not call the kde3 errors real errors since I use kde4):
 startkde: Shutting down...
 klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
 kde3: not found
 kde3: not found
 startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
 startkde: Done.

The shutdown proccess also takes a long time.


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