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RE: install/47513: HP DC5850 can't install - can't write MBR

>  Unless there is a driver bug this sounds like failing hardware

I doubt this.  I swapped in three disks, and managed to install 64-bit
Windows 7 on all of them, just to prove to myself that this isn't frazzled
hardware.  Did this with a 500Gb disk, a 120Gb disk, and a 1Tb disk.  All
are "found" by the system, but the seek gets me nowhere.

> If not, you could try to  go to the shell from the utility menu and then
do something like:
> which will try to wipe the whole disk, and may trigger reallocation of bad

I will try this, but I have that sinking feeling nevertheless...
> I would also recommend to  switch the bios to AHCI mode.

I will do this again and try the dd command...
Jeffrey L. Bromberger

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