Subject: Re: kern/25702
To: None <,,>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 02/27/2005 23:58:01
The following reply was made to PR kern/25702; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
To: (Darren Reed)
Cc: hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE,
Subject: Re: kern/25702
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:01:14 +0100

 At 18:50 Uhr +0000 26.2.2005, Darren Reed wrote:
 >Is the problem with ftp cnnections freezing or panicing the system resolved
 >with the latest code updates?
 are you talking about 2.0.1 or the netbsd-2 branch? If the latter, I'll
 have to update the kernel to check. Give me a few days.
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