Subject: Re: kern/28869
To: None <>
From: YAMAMOTO Takashi <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/14/2005 10:20:27
> I thought this was strange, printing each pool in DDB actually prints the
> pool right before it:
> panic: pool_put: kvakmem: page header missing
> Stopped in pid 5.1 (pagedaemon) at      0xc0389230:     mov     r15, r14
> db> show pool *pmap_pv_pool
> POOL l2dtblpl: size 196, align 4, ioff 0, roflags 0x00000040
>         alloc 0xc048314c
>         minitems 40, minpages 2, maxpages 4294967295, npages 4
>         itemsperpage 20, nitems 47, nout 33, hardlimit 4294967295
>         nget 33, nfail 0, nput 0
>         npagealloc 4, npagefree 0, hiwat 4, nidle 2

you need to do "show pool pmap_pv_pool" (without '*')
to show pmap_pv_pool.