Subject: isdn4bsd-00.71.00 beta test package released
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 03/01/1999 20:54:48
   The second isdn4bsd beta version (i4b-00.71.00-beta-010399.tgz) has
   been made available for download on the isdn4bsd ftp site.

   Support for NetBSD/i386-current, NetBSD/Amiga-current, 
   NetBSD/Atari-current and limited support for NetBSD/i386-1.3.3 is  
   available. Drivers for several PCI, ISA, ISAPNP, PCMCIA and ZBUS
   boards are included. Only the European protocol suite is supported in
   this test release.

   For more information on isdn4bsd, please read the file README in the  
   isdn4bsd base directory.

   For NetBSD installation instructions, please read the file
   INSTALLATION in the NetBSD directory.
   The ISDN4BSD package is available from You
   have to log in as user isdn4bsd and give your email address as the
   password. Then change to the pub directory. Anonymous ftp as user ftp
   or anonymous will NOT(!) give the desired result!