Subject: Yeah Zip!
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron Rosenzweig <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/19/1995 21:45:20
        I beasted out, ROAR!!!  I got MacBSD going on me Zip Drive,
this is what I did which may not be the best.

        Using APS Power Tools v2.7.3, I formated my Zip Disk for A/UX v3.0
When it asked for a number for the root and user partition I picked the
biggest one it allowed then the others I picked the only option it gave.
Upon clicking "mount" I asked it to replace the drivers with APS ones.
Then clicking "install" I gave it a cool removeable drive looking icon.

        I used the Yli`hl@Xl'hDGHLJZCHY-6mC8Feke(b
A9A$UcNd@eC24"GdP1lbPKXKE That did it, I got the Basic MacBSD going without

        Now I know this question I'm about to ask shouldn't go here but
I'm anxious!  I'll be getting some books on BSD 4.3 soon but could someone
tell me how to have MacBSD running off of my 80 meg external but put
Xwindows stuff on a Zip disk and tell MacBSD to look for it there?
80 meg external is - sd2 and scsi ID 3
Zip Drive is - sd3 and scsi ID 6

        I tried exploding Xwindows on the Zip drive but there wasn't enough

        Take care,

The bearded Tubist, son of Ginger and Harry, Aaron Rosenzweig.