Subject: Zip drive formatting
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Aaron David Rosenzweig <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/16/1995 19:33:30
	Yeah the drive is nonstandard.  Out of the box it comes with software
to work on either a PC or a Mac.  Instead of standard 50 pin scsi it has
25pin and comes with one 25-to-25 cable.  When MacBSD starts up it tells me
that my 80meg PowerBook drive is scsi-1 while the Zip drive is scsi-2!

	The drive comes with a very small app called "guest" so that if
you take the Zip drive to a Mac somewhere, you can hook it up and after
the Mac is done booting you run "guest" off a floppy so that it will mount.

	Apple's disk formatting utillity and APS Power Tools 3.something
are too simplistic.  Using APS Power Tools 2.7.something that I got from
the A/UX archive at Nasa I formated the Zip disk for A/UX version 3.
Then I had it install APS drivers and not the Iomega ones.  I think its
going to work plenty fine with MacBSD its just that I'm clueless about
how to set up unix systems and the like.  I have a friend coming over
tommorrow (he's a FreeBSD fanatic), I think together we'll get the Zip
drive working.

	I'd like to use the Zip disk for XWindows, that way I can use
it for things like TCL (Tool Command Language not THINK Class Lib),
Interviews, and Fresco.  Especially a TCL tool called tgdb.

	Take care,

The bearded Tubist, son of Ginger and Harry, Aaron Rosenzweig.