Subject: IIcx hangs
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sam Sapoznick <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/14/1995 18:26:48
Setup: macIIcx, 8megs RAM, Apple Portrait Display Monitor and video card,
       system 7.1, 32-bit clean. (via mode32)

Problem: macbsd boots fine, allows me to login, execute commands, etc.
After 10-40 minutes, the system hangs, and will accept no keyboard commands
or network connections (telnet, ftp, etc.) I posted this problem a week or so ago, and someone recommended that I find a newer kernel than the 1.0update I
was using. Well, I've tried the following kernels and the problem remains:
1.0 update
Both wormhole kernels I could find 
Both generic kernels (13 and 25, was it?)
NFS kernel

It seems strange that ALL these kernels would exhibit the same problem. Could 
I have something misconfigured? I even tried running a couple of these kernels
with the video card unplugged (i.e., NO display), and they still hang.
Btw, I'm using booter 1.6..

Thanks for any help/info you have. Are there other people running stable
systems on IIcx'es out there, and if so, what kind of video and ethernet hardware do you have? What kernel are you running?

Thanks again.

     -Sam Sapoznick 
      U Cal Irvine, Office of Academic Computing