Subject: Re: MacIIsi/vi/vx test kernel available
To: Walter Ruetten <>
From: Valtteri Vuorikoski <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/14/1995 15:10:49
Walter Ruetten has randomly hit several keys, resulting in
> I didn't get dt to work, but then again it was the first time ever I
> tried it. So if you are experienced in installing/configuring/using dt,
> give it a try. For me, it gave only a white screen, though I could blind
> type some commands (shutdown :-) ).

 Sounds like the grf-devices aren't getting configured. Currently it just
does that if it can't get a grf. Try cat /dev/grf0 and see what it says.
I'll try that kernel myself later today.
 The current nubus.c can't find the bytelanes for the internal video at
least on my IIsi, so grf doesn't get configured.

'Good-bye and hello, as always'