Subject: Re: IIvx debug info...
To: Chris Kush <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/03/1995 18:41:35
> 	At the recommendation of the little red guy who lives inside my head,

He gives poor recommendations.  Don't let him give you advice when
you're out partying...  ;-)

In general, if you want to try out random items that are just laying
around puma, talk directly to me about their working or not.  Some of
them, like that one, are only around because I forgot to delete them.

> 	I'm very excited -- I've never gotten this far before.  Or is this
> very far?

That's pretty far.  That's the point at which I broke that kernel.

> I tried unhooking the
> monitor, setting the Booter to autoboot, and putting it in the Startup folder,
> but nothing happened.  Do I have to pop out the VRAM SIMMs?

Hmm...  I'd be surprised if the Mac liked booting w/o any video at
all.  Unhooking the monitor will disable it if there is another card

I would suggest trying out a current kernel.  I will make one available
soon (perhaps this weekend).


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **