Subject: Emacs 19.22 info
To: None <>
From: Edward Wolpert <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/21/1994 12:33:28
	I've been working on porting emacs (v 19.22) to NetBSD/mac68k.  So
far, the code does work, but the emacs lib files (.elc) don't.  It seems that
tar (-xzvf options) doesn't uncompress them properly for some bizzare reason.
In any case, that problem should be worked out soon, and the program will be
made available.  The main problem currently is emacs's termcap seems to be
broken... it will skip letters when it redraws the screen.  Currently, I
believe that this is because the vt100.elc file isn't loaded, and the default
settings don't work with MacBSD.  If anyone has any other ideas as to why
this is happening, please email me.  Also, if the other person who compiled
emacs 18.xx for MacBSD is out there, please email me.
		Edward Wolpert

---------------------------            | System Administrator  | Systems Programmer	   | Graduate Chemistry Student
I'm  sorry, but Godot isn't here today. Perhaps if you came back tomorrow...
