Subject: macbsd port
To: None <>
From: Glenn Wehmeyer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/07/1994 10:19:57
I was just wondering.. Is there anyway to access the toolbox routines
that do keyboard access and other important stuff?

I know that toolbox routines don't take kindly to pre-emptive
processing but How does Apple do it with A/UX? It interacts with the
toolbox and when it installs itself, it installs the right drivers to work
with the right computer. Hmm.. might have to do some reverse 


#   Glenn Wehmeyer                 Internet: #
#   Computer Information Manager                                   #
#   OASIS, Inc.                    Snail Mail: 1130 E. Missouri Av #
#                                              Suite 750           #
#                                              Phoenix, AZ 85014   #
