Subject: Re: Up and what?
To: Franklin Chen <>
From: Allen X Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/18/1993 07:55:48
> I just got the update.cpt and installed the latest kernel, and booted
> successfully into MacBSD!


> Is there a list of stuff that isn't quite working properly, and a list of
> what utilities are on the distribution?  For example, I noticed that gcc/g++


> is apparently version 1.39 (pretty old).  Also, gzip is 1.0.7.  I can't use
> vi because /etc/termcap is nowhere.  passwd doesn't seem to work.  Is
> everything supposed to freeze when you exit (or control-D)?  Etc.  It would
> be nice to find/share answers to questions like this.

Alpha2 has gcc 2.4.5, gas 1.92, gzip 1.2.2...  termcap is under /usr/share...
The "freeze" is because init isn't respawning the shell/login...  Alpha2
should work better--it'll spawn a login on each terminal.


Allen Briggs         Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end                Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
      killing -          ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****
