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Re: IMAGEMB settings

On Mar 21,  5:01pm, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
} > In the install-image and live-image (as it uses install-image)
} > build targets the common Makefile sets IMAGEMB to be 2048.
} > In the i386 platform it sets this down to 512 (and 550 on amd64).
} > Is there a reason that these platforms are unable to use the
} > default 2048?
} Not quite:
} >> distrib/common/bootimage/Makefile.bootimage:IMAGEMB?=      2048            
# 2048MB
} >> distrib/i386/installimage/Makefile:IMAGEMB=        512                     
# for all installation binaries
} >> distrib/i386/liveimage/usbimage/Makefile:IMAGEMB=  1536                    
# 2GB USB flash memories aren't 2GiB

     Speaking of the liveimage, is there any reason that it doesn't
contain the install sets?  I put the liveimage onto a thumb drive.
It's handy for when I'm at a location that only has Windows and I need
something with better tools.  But, there are times I may also want to
do an installation and I shouldn't need to carry two thumb drives.  I
did place the install sets on my thumb drive, but it would be nice to
have them there out of the box.

}-- End of excerpt from Izumi Tsutsui

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