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netbsd-5 crash in scsipi

  I have a machine that I just built and installed a netbsd-5 from today (Feb 
20, 2011).  I was untar'ing tarballs from another system into a subdirectory of 
/var/tmp, and received the following panic:

sd0(ciss0:0:0:0): no free tags
panic: scsipi_get_tag

  This is a dual-processor i386 machine, with an HP SmartArray 5i RAID 
controller, presenting numerous sd(4) devices.  The destination filesystem 
(/var/tmp) is sd0g.  WAPBL is enabled on all but the root filesystem of this 
destination machine.

  I tried to replicate it again, and was able to extract one tarball, then the 
next one failed and caused the same panic.  That tarball was of /var/log, and 
does contain a few multi-hundred megabyte files.  Possible that's related?

  Anyone have any idea what happened here?  Is this indicative of an 
instability in ciss(4), or WABPL ?


                    - Chris

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