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Re: mandoc tbl support

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 12:17:12AM +0100, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just committed the updates for mdocml to 1.10.9. This features the
> integrated tbl(1) engine, which is still a bit rough, but creates at
> least basic text and HTML output. You can get cat pages formatted with
> mandoc by setting MKMANDOC=yes. HTML pages are formatted with mandoc by
> default. Please report problems if you see errors in output or man pages
> incorrectly getting rejected.


I just hit one failure for xmh man page :

#    format  xmh/xmh.html1
/local/src/NetBSD/tool/bin/nbmandoc -Thtml -Oman=../html%S/%N.html 
-Ostyle=../style.css xmh.1 > xmh.html1.tmp &&  mv xmh.html1.tmp xmh.html1
xmh.1:986:2: FATAL: argument count wrong, violates syntax: line arguments == 0 
(have 1)
*** Error code 4

And noticed the following:

- X11 HTML manpages do refers to a CSS file that does not exists.

- HTML manpages from arch subdirs have wrong man/style definitions
  which needs adjusted to account the extra directory level.


Nicolas Joly

Biological Software and Databanks.
Institut Pasteur, Paris.

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