Subject: Re: acpi functional porting
To: None <>
From: Alexander V. Butenko <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2007 23:53:03
Tue, 20 Feb 2007 you wrote:

> > yeh, S3 works somewhere. But not on many laptops. So there are a lots of
> > work must be done here.
> A lot of work has been done, but there are certainly gaps remaining.
> I'm sure that the people working on it would accept and review patches
> or specific bug reports.  The best way to make sure that specific bugs
> or patches are tracked is submit them through send-pr:

filled port-i386/35747. Hope i will be able to help

> Thanks for helping us improve NetBSD!

No no. Thank you that all you, guys, able to find a time to develop such
great system.
