Subject: Re: kern/6347
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/12/1999 22:40:14
On Jul 12, 10:35pm, (Michael Richardson) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: kern/6347

| >>>>> "Christos" == Christos Zoulas <> writes:
|     Christos> We need to have someone with an ncr verify that the fix works.
|   Well, I pulled mine because of this problem, and the fact that it didn't
| work with my tape drive very well. The high end NCR cards seem to do very
| badly with devices of multiple speeds.
|   If very important, I can pull the 2940 out and put the NCR back in and
| try. I have four drives plus tape drive. 

If noone else offers, then it would be nice if you tested that. 
