Subject: More on X server size
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wailer <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/03/1997 02:10:26
This might clear up some of the backing store questions.
>From the Xinside web site:

>12. When I run a certain application, like Netscape, the size of the
>AcceleratedX Server reported by top or ps is huge. Then my performance
>goes down. Is my system swapping heavily?
>You may have BackingStore enabled in your Xaccel.ini file. Disable 
>BackingStore with BackingStore=NO ; in the [SETTINGS] section of the
>file. BackingStore enhances performance, but does require a lot of memory.
>    Applications like Netscape will utilize BackingStore as a caching
>strategy, which will result in the X server becoming very large. If you
>do not have enough memory, your system will respond by swapping heavily. 

I'm in 16 bit mode.

root       219  0.0 33.2 11860 16288 ??  S    12:18PM    5:54.87 Accelx