Subject: Re: crashes in recent kernels
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/04/1996 16:24:24
I sent in a pr on the disk thing.  It seems to only happen in the
floppy code, and I _think_ it only happens when a command must be

>I've seen a lot of mysterious problems since I recompiled on Jan. 31.
>In addition to the "dk_busy < 0" panics (plural, I just got a second
>one), I've had two mysterious hangs while NFS was running (I don't

The problem with the NFS lockups I have not experienced.  One machine
is running more recent kernel than binaries, and the other is running
a much more recent kernel with a few days' old binaries.  I was hoping
to recompile /usr/src today, once the sup completes.


Michael Graff <>        NetBSD is the way to go!
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