Subject: NSF oddities
To: None <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/17/1993 06:00:35
Two problems with two totally seperate systems, but the two might be related.

At home my roomate NFS mounts my /usr.  I nfs mount /home from his box.
(short on space  ;)  (both systems are a slightly old -current version)

When I ``cd /home'' and ``pwd'' I get something back like
``/kern/home/explorer'' -- this is bad!

Both machines are config'd as NFSSERVER and NFSCLIENT.  The fix we are using
us umount /kern shortly after boot...

The next one is junkbox, which runs -current.  I NFS mount several Ultrix
4.3a-based systems.  On the Ultrix side, a lot of ``RFS DISPATCH ERRORS, NO
REPLY'' messaes are given.  A lot.  Like all the time when compiling.

Also, /usr/lib/ is ln'd to /usr/lib/ when
installing libterm.  However, this fails totally...  it seems that a simple 
``rm /usr/lib/'' does not work!  I had to log onto the NFS
server and rm it there...

And NFS leave junk files on the server a lot -- .nfs1234565.4 all over the

Is something seriously wrong here?


Michael Graff    Iowa State University Computation Center      Project Vincent
215 Durham                voice: (515) 294-4994 
Ames, IA  50011           fax:   (515) 294-1717           gg.mlg@isumvs.bitnet
