Subject: Re: Recent pmap/mmap changes
To: None <amiga-dev@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/10/1995 15:19:33
On Apr 10,  3:16pm, Rob Healey wrote:
> 	Anybody know what's up with the recent pmap/mmap changes? Alot
> 	of Amiga files have been modified by non-chopps people and
> 	that always makes me a little nervous...

  I'm not exactly sure what's happening.  The pmap changes appear to be
changing the use of a variable for the kernel pmap to a procedure - which
I think is currently defined as a macro to be the existing variable.  I
haven't seen the exact changes yet, so I'm not sure if I've my assumptions
are correct.

> 	Looks like conf.c, mem.c, pmap.c and some of the drivers that
> 	use kernal_pmap/pmap_kernel were modified.

  The conf.c stuff appears to have been rewritten so pull a lot of the
common definitions into sys/conf.h.  The changes as of today's sup don't
compile on the Amiga tree without some reworking.  The memory device
interface now has an open, close, and mmap entry, which hasn't been added
to the Amiga tree yet.  I also ran into a conflict with fdclose that I'm
not sure what's happening.  [Oh, I just saw the message about the renaming
of fdclose to fdrelease in the kernel files - that would explain the
duplicate name I got trying to compile the kernel.]


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA