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Re: osabi in -current in some difficulty?

Bob Bernstein <> writes:

> ===> Updating using binary package of osabi-NetBSD-8.99.35
> /usr/bin/env  /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_add -K /var/db/pkg -U -D /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/osabi/work/.packages/osabi-NetBSD-8.99.35.tgz
> pkg_add: Can't open +CONTENTS of depending package x11-links-1.12
> pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
> *** Error code 1

My usual plea:

  pkg_rr arranges to run "make replace" in the right order.  If the make
  replace fails, that's a pkgsrc issue, not about pkg_rr.  If the
  probllem is that the chosen order is wrong, that's a pkg_rr bug.

In this case, you have a corrupt database.   I have some notes about
this to dig through about why this happens.

Run "pkg_admin rebuild-tree" to fix the phantom dependency problem.
Then you can rm all the workdirs and try again.

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