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On May 25,  1:36pm, (Manuel Bouyer) wrote:
-- Subject: 

| Hello,
| in xsrc/external/mit/glu/dist/include/GL/glu.h:
| revision 1.2
| date: 2014/12/19 19:07:46;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +6 -0
| branches:  1.2.2;
| use DBL_MAX instead of 1.0e150...
| +/* GLdouble is double in gl.h so we are DBL_MAX */
| +#include <limits.h>    /* Not a good place to do that, but... */
| +#ifndef DBL_MAX
|  #define GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD 1.0e150
| +#else
| +#endif
| can you explain why ?
| In libtess, values like -2 * GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD, 4 * GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD
| are used, which ends up being +/-inf and causes bad things to happen.

Well, DBL_MAX is supposed to be defined... This was for the vax (it does
not fit e150).


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