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Re: 7.0_BETA on Ivy Bridge

n 18 January 2015 at 14:46, Leonardo Taccari <> wrote:
> Hello Manuel, Jaap and tech-x11@,
> Manuel Bouyer writes:
> > It looks like what I'm seeing with opencpn running on a 965GM
> > (inside the opencpn window, not on the backgound, but this may be
> > dependant on the window manager - I'm using fvwm2)
> In the last days I am able to succesfully use DRM2 on my laptop (an
> ASUS PU301L with Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400) with acceleration
> (NetBSD-current, amd64). It seems pretty stable and with AccelMethod
> "SNA" I do *not* have screen corruptions.

Thanks for the suggestion!

On a Thinkpad T420s, which has needed NoAccel, switching to
AccelMethod SNA also  seems to give me fast & stable X11 without any
display artifacts.

% egrep -i 'drm|vga|acpiout' /var/run/dmesg.boot
NetBSD 7.0_BETA (DRMKMS.201501120900Z)
acpivga0 at acpi0 (VID): ACPI Display Adapter
acpiout0 at acpivga0 (LCD0, 0x0400): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout0: brightness levels: 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100
acpiout1 at acpivga0 (CRT0, 0x0100): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout2 at acpivga0 (DVI0, 0x0300): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout3 at acpivga0 (DVI1, 0x0301): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout4 at acpivga0 (DVI2, 0x0302): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout5 at acpivga0 (DVI3, 0x0303): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout6 at acpivga0 (DVI4, 0x0304): ACPI Display Output Device
acpiout7 at acpivga0 (DVI5, 0x0305): ACPI Display Output Device
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout1
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout2
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout3
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout4
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout5
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout6
acpivga0: unknown output device acpiout7
acpivga0: connected output devices:
acpivga0:   0x0400 (acpiout0): Unknown Output Device, head 0
i915drmkms0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0: Intel Sandy Bridge Integrated
Graphics Device (rev. 0x09)
drm: Memory usable by graphics device = 2048M
drm: Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).
drm: Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.
i915drmkms0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 16 (i915)
drm: Wrong MCH_SSKPD value: 0x16040307
drm: This can cause pipe underruns and display issues.
drm: Please upgrade your BIOS to fix this.
drm: GMBUS [i915 gmbus dpb] timed out, falling back to bit banging on pin 5
intelfb0 at i915drmkms0
i915drmkms0: info: registered panic notifier
drm: Enabling RC6 states: RC6 on, RC6p off, RC6pp off

Another happy (so far) netbsd-7 DRM2 user :)

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