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re: Radeon HD 3450 X problem

> On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Mark Davies wrote:
> > > Further to this: same thing happens whether I have drm enabled or
> > > not in the kernel.  Same thing happens putting the card in an
> > > Optiplex 760 and same thing happens with a Radeon HD 4550.
> >
> > It also happens with an RV380 based card that I know works fine
> > under 5.1.
> > In all cases the machine hangs when RADEONScreenInit() calls
> >
> >     /* Clear the framebuffer */
> >     memset(info->FB + pScrn->fbOffset, 0,
> >            pScrn->virtualY * pScrn->displayWidth *
> > info->CurrentLayout.pixel_bytes);
> I've just noticed that when I thought drm was not enabled in the 
> current kernel it seems that it still was so the above _may_ only be 
> happening with drm enabled.  What is the definitive way to disable 
> drm in a current kernel?

you could boot the kernel with "-c" and then 'disable radeondrm'
at the userconf prompt.

otherwise a kernel config that includes GENERIC and also has
"no radeondrm" would work.


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