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Xorg keymap and wskbd keymap


I'm looking at several sources around Xorg server keyboard driver
to switch several orphaned wsfb based ports from xfree86 to xorg.

In xsrc/external/mit/xf86-input-keyboard/dist/src/bsd_KbdMap.c
There are several wskbd keymaps (translating it to atKeymap?),
like wsUsbMap (ukbd), wsXtMap (pckbd), wsAdbMap (akbd) etc.

If we are going to add more other ports (like dreamcast, newsmips etc),
do we have to add all machine dependent wskbd keymaps in this file
as old xfree86 servers have independent keymap sources?

Is there any reason why we don't use wskbd(4)'s WSKBDIO_GETMAP ioctl
to get keymaps (with modifier) used in kernel?

Or simply we should handle it in xkbcomp symbol files as hpcarm W-ZERO3?
(I don't know how files in external/mit/xkeyboard-config/dist/symbols
 should be declared though)


Izumi Tsutsui

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