Subject: Re: xorg / XFree86 / configure problems
To: Paul Compton <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 05/16/2006 12:06:18
Hash: SHA1
> My problems are all associated with configure scripts, and as far as I
> can tell relate to x11 installation issues, hence the post here. My
> desktop architecture: AMD Athlon XP with 1.5GB RAM. XFree86 (native
> sets) and KDE 3.5.2 built from source.
> If I try to install a simple tarball manually (i.e. not as a package),
> I continually come up against a problem that the QT headers cannot be
> found during configuration. I have only tried this on minor packages,
> such as theme engines for KDE, and a couple of small userland apps.
Did you get QT from pkgsrc? If you did you should set QTDIR to
/usr/pkg/qt3 or point the configure script of whatever package you're
trying to build to wherever your QT installation is ( usually
- --with-qt=/some/path )
> Can the problem be a result of using the XFree86 native sets rather
> than installing x11 from pkgsrc?
Extremely unlikely.
> Is there something simple that needs to be done here?
> Coming from the Linux world I am more familiar and comfortable with
> xorg these days, and have wondered if switching to xorg may resolve
> these problems.
Even less likely.
> But what is involved in making the switch: do I have to recompile all
> my x11-dependent packages, including KDE?
Only if you replace the client libs and even then most things may just
continue working.
> And should I then remove the native sets once the change is made? Or
> would this change not solve my problems anyway?
This change won't resolve your issues.
> Ok, lots of jumping-off points, but my basic problem is getting
> packages to compile for one or two apps that are not in pkgsrc, and
> being able to install smaller scripts without creating packages. I
> would be grateful for any pointers.
Figure out what exactly is failing where exactly and why exactly. Most
configure scriprs write more or less detailed logfiles ( config.log )
which should tell you what went wrong. It is very unlikely that this is
a problem with X itself.
have fun
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