Subject: Re: 3.0/cats X server on 3.0/shark
To: None <>
From: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 04/21/2006 04:37:02
On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 02:18:57 +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> after NetBSD 3.0/shark doesn't come with an X server, I have followed your
> advice to see if the 3.0/cats server works: I doesn't.
> Both "xf86cfg" and "X -configure" can't open /dev/pci0 (which I don't have
> in MAKEDEV and /dev), and they can't load a "fbdevhw" module, whatever
> that is, see output below.
> Do you have any other ideas to get working X back for 4.0/shark?
Cats has video on pci. Shark has CyberPro 2k chip at VLB iirc.
There's no CyberPro driver for XFree. There's a driver for it in
KDrive server, but we don't build, and it doesn't have NetBSD specific
bits at all.
I think the best bet currently it to try wsfb driver for XFree. Also,
macallan@ has been looking into turning Xmacppc server into Xwsfb as
there's very little macppc specific code in Xmacppc.
SY, Uwe
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