Subject: Re: XFree86 vs
To: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 12/14/2005 23:26:30
On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Valeriy E. Ushakov wrote:

> 1. Cross-building
>   Either by our existing reach-over framework, or auto-conf tools.
>   src/x11 support for compiling is on the branch, but it needs
>   to be updated for the new releases of

Xorg provides a monolithic (regular non-autoconf build) in addition to 
modular. (I can't remember how long the monolithic will be available but I 
think for at least another year.)

We should look at was OpenBSD does too (as they use

> 2. Stability of the code base
> has introduced quite a few regressions over XFree86 code.

We need to make sure these are in the freedesktop bugs database for xorg. 
If you prefer, you may point me to them and I will add them to the 
freedesktop bugzilla.

(I already have a few little NetBSD issues that have been reported and 
some fixed. I am running the latest monolithic from CVS on my 
NetBSD/i386 2.0.2 with a 3Dfx Banshee. I also am running several 
components of libraries and clients from latest modular via 
pkgsrc-wip packages on some NetBSD 3 release candidate. I ran out of time 
to continue packaging the modular packages. Any volunteers to help?)

> 3. Native server support
>   While has support for newer and more cards, the
>   cross-platform support is lacking.  We should try to port our
>   existing servers that does not have.

I started by making a diff against our source and plain XFree86 (not and the diff was very long. If someone has time, we can start 
submitting the code upstream (to XFree86 and

> 4. Strategic direction of
>   There is currently discussion within the project about
>   deleting the pseudo-color display support code from the Xserver.
>   Such changes will automatically break support for older hardware.
>   While we understand that in the future older cards may not be
>   supported we believe that this change is immature.  The earlier we
>   start porting NetBSD servers (see #3), the more chances we have to
>   have impact on that decision.

It would be good if a NetBSD "X" developer joined or participated in the 
xorg freedesktop list(s). (Maybe there is but I have not noticed over 
past 18 months.)

  Jeremy C. Reed

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