Subject: xdm(1) src/x11 build notes
To: NetBSD X11 <>
From: Nicolas Joly <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 03/14/2004 16:21:25
I noticed a few things about xdm(1) build using src/x11 framwork :
1) The xdm Xresources file is currently missing some substitutions for
the 'XHASH' keyword. In that case, the xdm login banner can't use
this resource file and looks diffrent (no pixmap, default fonts,
A work around for this problem can be done by modifying the
X11TOOL_UNXCOMM command to replace 'XHASH' keys with `#' too :
# Commandline to convert 'XCOMM' comments and 'XHASH' to #
X11TOOL_UNXCOMM= sed -e '/^\# *[0-9][0-9]* *.*$$/d' \
-e '/^XCOMM$$/s//\#/' \
-e '/^XCOMM[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/s/^XCOMM/\#/' \
-e '/^XHASH(if|else|end)/s/^XHASH/\#/'
2) xdm build with src/x11 does not use `prngc.c' source file as native
build do. Is it expected, or was it forgotten ?
Nicolas Joly
Biological Software and Databanks.
Institut Pasteur, Paris.