Subject: Re: Window manager selection proposal
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 09/15/2002 20:13:02
In article <0c2401c25c94$09ac7ed0$96401e0a@whiskas>,
	"Chris Gilbert" <> writes:
> Bssically we provide an Xwmselect program that reads a list of available
> window managers (which pkgsrc updates)  the user then picks one, (has a tick
> box for if you want it to be the default) and hits ok, and up pops that WM.
> Note that if they set it as their default it will update their .xwmselect
> file.

1.) That's much too much level of detail. The choices should be something
    like this:

Classic X11 Session
"some other complete desktop"

    That's what e.g. Solaris or Linux distribution offer. If you want to
    add this feature to "xdm", please go ahead.

2.) You can implements your suggestion as a package. Provide a sample
    Xsession script which will invoke your tool. If the administrator
    want to use it she or he can replace the default xsession with it.

	Kind regards

Matthias Scheler