Subject: keyboard weirdness with 1.5.2/4.1.0
To: None <>
From: Alex Rolfe <arolfe@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-x11
Date: 11/27/2001 23:04:46
Using NetBSD 1.5.2 and the XFree4.1.0 source I pulled from xsrc with sup
(if this is insufficient information, just let me know what else I
should provide), I get weird keyboard behavior after running X for a
while.  At first, it just acts like the control key is being held down.
Soon, the problem goes away and then restarts.  After the second time,
the keyboard eventually stops responding to input, except that enter and
certain other keys cause the screen to wrap around by 1/5 of its width.

My XF86Config and the X log are at

Any suggestions about this are appreciated,