Subject: Re: Directory for the upcoming import of XFree86 4.0.2
To: None <>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 12/20/2000 17:35:09
> there is one thing we need to decide before I can import XFree86 4.0.2 
> when it gets released.

XFree86 4.0.2 is released, but I think their new APIs for Xclient side
is not really suitable to use. (One of member I know said that will never accept those APIs...)
(The discussion can be found on the following URL:

XFree86 I18N programmers haven't really understood how Unicode should 
be handled by existing X11 APIs. Sigh...
Perhaps new Open Source project other than XFree86 for X11 client side
should be created...