Subject: XF86 4.x import scheme suggestion
To: None <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 10/31/2000 13:06:31
Since we've agreed that it is inevitable but the timing and hardware support
is iffy, I'd like to provide a suggestion that would make the XF86 4.x
import more smooth, so that interested people can work on the NetBSD
integration and find the "missing" parts of XFree 4 (for reporting back to
XFree) easily, without necessarily switching to XF86 4.x for releases

There won't be many XFree 3 changes beyond critical bugfixes, according to
XFree, so these can be added as diffs if we need to import them[*].  So,
simply branch the xsrc trunk and then import XF86 4.x to the trunk, using
the branch for releases and snapshots until an "official" switch to XFree 4.  
A name such as "XF86-v3" would do nicely for the branch tag.  We may want
the tarballs to track this XF86-v3 branch until the official


[*]: Importing later XFree 3 versions as diffs is required, since an import
     of XFree 3 will go onto the same vendor branch as the XFree 4 import.

-- Todd Vierling <>  *
-- Speed, stability, security, and support.  Wasabi NetBSD:  Run with it.