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Re: vi(1) one line crasher

> And to be more exhaustive (perhaps it's this) is here my EXINIT:
> EXINIT='set nu showmatch ts=8 wl=72'

Ah!  I can seg-fault vi(1) now, too!

It boils down to:  a "set nu" alone + "$" causes the crash for me.

I run vi(1) without any personal settings in .exrc/.virc/$EXINIT.
Also, $DISPLAY wasn't set, $TERM was "screen".
(terminal size: 54 rows x 80 cols).

To be explicit (:set all):

noaltwerase     noexrc          matchtime=7     report=5        noterse
noautoindent    noextended      mesg            noruler         notildeop
autoprint       filec=""        nomodeline      scroll=26       timeout
noautowrite     flash           msgcat="./"     nosearchincr    nottywerase
backup=""       nogtagsmode     noprint=""      nosecure        noverbose
nobeautify      hardtabs=0      nonumber        shiftwidth=8    warn
cdpath=":"      noiclower       nooctal         noshowmatch     window=53
cedit=""        noignorecase    open            noshowmode      nowindowname
columns=80      keytime=6       optimize        sidescroll=16   wraplen=0
nocombined      noleftright     path=""         noslowopen      wrapmargin=0
nocomment       lines=54        print=""        nosourceany     wrapscan
noedcompatible  nolisp          prompt          tabstop=8       nowriteany
noerrorbells    nolist          noreadonly      taglength=0
escapetime=1    lock            noredraw        tags="tags"
noexpandtab     magic           remap           term="screen"
paragraphs="IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp"
sections="NHSHH HUnhsh"

							Martin Neitzel

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