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Modular postinstall(8)

The monolithic postinstall(8) is horribly painful to maintain.  It can
be a little better by splitting the single script into per-module
(a.k.a. syspkg).  This hopefully encourages subsystem maintainers to
update their own postinstall script fragment without touching a
global, poorly maintained script.  This is much closer to how pkgsrc's
install scripts work.

Ideally these ``update'' scripts are called not only post-install but
also pre-install, pre-reboot, post-reboot, etc.  For example, if one
pre-install script detects something seriously inconsistent, it warns
administrator and cancels the update.

Well-maintained update scripts could safely migrate users to better
configurations ("This sshd configuration is outdated and not
recommended any longer").

The above patch is outdated and should be updated but you can see the
idea.  You can split files one-by-one.

I don't have time to discuss/work on this right now.

Idea basically ack'ed by lukem@ at EuroBSDCon 2014. :)

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