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Re: stdio buffering extension

On Jul 16,  7:03pm, (David Laight) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: stdio buffering extension

| The one I want most is line buffering to pipes.
| You almost want to force it from the reading end (eg in tee).
| The other common case is when stdout and stderr refer to the
| same file - when you probably want line buffering for stdout.

Yes, but specifying via environment variables is saner than making
a bunch of complicated rules. 

| OTOH if a program is writing binary data (maybe using fwrite()
| not fprintf()) then block buffering is more likely to be
| appropriate.

The standard does not differentiate, I think. Our code obeys the
current buffering flags.

| How much scope does the standard give for more intelligent
| choices?

Not much. I think that even the environment variables I added violate
the standard when set.


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