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Re: nsswitch

> Comments?
It's reassuring to see that someone seems to care about nsswitch.
Seing no comment on PR#49804 made me believe otherwise.

>    - therefore the nsswitch logic needs to support forking
>      subprocesses as an alternative to loading .so plugin files;
As this would make the libraries pulled in by the NSS method not being 
pulled in to the libc consumer, I would regard this as a big win. I 
regularily ran into problems (before switching to nslcd) with nss_ldap 
pulling in a different (e.g. pkgsrc vs. base, _r vs. non-_r) version of 
libldap, libcrypto or whatever.

But wouldn't it be a more general approach to rip most of the code out of 
libc and switch to a client/server model? I.e. a nsswitchd listening on a 
I think to remember IRIX using an elegant solution with a pseudo-filesystem, 
but the drawback would be how to add custom sources to it.

> I only see two in pkgsrc.
There would be another one if somebody cared to import my nslcd port.

> I realize this is all very broad generalizations, but it's too early
> to be very specific.
I'm afraid I can't sensibly comment on your other points, sorry.

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